Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are you Aiming to Reside Overseas?

Many Filipinos aim to live and work abroad (including myself) why? because, of poverty? it could be.But, some are looking for a good career with high salary that enough to buy both wants and needs.right?Are you ready to adopt their culture ,climate and tradition....well, if your seeking your life's journey and to think that moving on outside Philippines is good for you then, all those things are easy to take up.What are the qualifications to apply as immigrant?since, I am interested in Canada.I will post Canadian immigrant requirements.
Who are qualified?
  • All skilled worker and professionals
To qualify applicant must earn points on
  • age
  • experience
  • skills
  • education
  • and English proficiency
Points System varies per country the longer your employed the higher points you will earned.
15 points= 1 year
17points=2 years
19 points=3 years
21points=4 years

Let's talk about immigrants application status.
There are two routes of country residency
a. Federal Skilled Worker Program
b.Provincial Nominee Program
This two routes are in the midst of CHANGE! The Federal Skilled Program is currently on HOLD.Can just imagine the total backlogs application is 925,000 which is subject to new Canadian Bill.whew!!

What Does this Bill all about?
  • Come up with a list of priority skills and process those in the queue that match in the list.
  • Return application not in the list and refund visas paid fee
  • Retain other applications for future consideration..
For me to be an immigrant with no sponsor is sturdy and challenging.If you gonna aim "Be Patience".Sometimes, its a luck too...

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