Monday, September 22, 2008

Tips for Buying Shoes

Christmas is coming so those who want to demand a pair of shoes in their "ninong" or "ninang" ,I want to share with you a guidelines to pick a nice shoes:

1. Consider your foot type.High arched feet tend to require greater shock absorption than those with average feet.

2.High Arched ( cavus ) feet also suffer from lateral instability and are more prone to ankle sprains.While, those with low arched ( flat ) feet require shoes with less cushioning but greater support and heel control.

3.Evaluate your foot type and use this information to get the best fit.

4.Choose an athletic shoe store or specialty store with large inventory.

5.Try to get fitted for footwear at the end of the day.

6.Allow 1/2 inch or width of your index finger , between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe.

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